AddClusterNode() (MaxPercentage=100) failed with 0x5b4


When trying to add a new server to the DAG, you get the following error message:

A server-side database availability group administrative operation failed. Error: The operation failed. CreateCluster errors may result from incorrectly configured static addresses. Error: An error occurred while attempting a cluster operation. Error: Cluster API '"AddClusterNode() (MaxPercentage=100) failed with 0x5b4. Error: This operation returned because the timeout period expired"' failed. [Server: OLDSERVER.domain.local]

An Active Manager operation failed. Error: An error occurred while attempting a cluster operation. Error: Cluster API '"AddClusterNode() (MaxPercentage=100) failed with 0x5b4. Error: This operation returned because the timeout period expired"' failed..

This operation returned because the timeout period expired
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The operation wasn't successful because an error was encountered. You may find more details in log file "C:\ExchangeSetupLogs\DagTasks\dagtask_2011-07-30_22-44-57.968_add-databaseavailabiltygroupserver.log".

Exchange Management Shell command attempted:
Add-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupServer -MailboxServer 'NEWSERVER' -Identity 'DAG1'

Elapsed Time: 00:06:24

The error log file has the following information:
[2011-07-30T22:51:23] The preceding log entry comes from a different process running on computer 'OLDSERVER.domain.local'. END
[2011-07-30T22:51:23] The operation wasn't successful because an error was encountered. You may find more details in log file "C:\ExchangeSetupLogs\DagTasks\dagtask_2011-07-30_22-44-57.968_add-databaseavailabiltygroupserver.log".
[2011-07-30T22:51:23] WriteError! Exception = Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.Replay.DagTaskOperationFailedException: A server-side database availability group administrative operation failed. Error: The operation failed. CreateCluster errors may result from incorrectly configured static addresses. Error: An error occurred while attempting a cluster operation. Error: Cluster API '"AddClusterNode() (MaxPercentage=100) failed with 0x5b4. Error: This operation returned because the timeout period expired"' failed. ---> Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.Replay.AmClusterApiException: An Active Manager operation failed. Error: An error occurred while attempting a cluster operation. Error: Cluster API '"AddClusterNode() (MaxPercentage=100) failed with 0x5b4. Error: This operation returned because the timeout period expired"' failed.. ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: This operation returned because the timeout period expired
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.ClusApi.AmCluster.AddNodeToCluster(AmServerName nodeName, IClusterSetupProgress setupProgress, IntPtr context, Exception& errorException, Boolean throwExceptionOnFailure)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.Replay.DagHelper.AddDagClusterNode(AmServerName mailboxServerName, String& verboseLog)
--- End of inner exception stack trace (Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.Replay.AmClusterApiException) ---
at Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.Replay.DagHelper.ThrowDagTaskOperationWrapper(Exception exception)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.Replay.DagHelper.AddDagClusterNode(AmServerName mailboxServerName, String& verboseLog)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.ReplayService.ReplayRpcServer.<>c__DisplayClass34.<RpcsAddNodeToCluster>b__33()
at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.Cluster.HaRpcExceptionWrapperBase`2.RunRpcServerOperation(String databaseName, RpcServerOperation rpcOperation)
--- End of stack trace on server (OLDSERVER.domain.local) ---
at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.Cluster.HaRpcExceptionWrapperBase`2.ClientRethrowIfFailed(String databaseName, String serverName, RpcErrorExceptionInfo errorInfo)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.Replay.ReplayRpcClientWrapper.RunRpcOperationDbName(AmServerName serverName, String databaseName, Int32 timeoutMs, IHaRpcExceptionWrapper rpcExceptionWrapperInstance, InternalRpcOperation rpcOperation)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.Replay.ReplayRpcClientWrapper.RunRpcOperation(AmServerName serverName, Nullable`1 dbGuid, Int32 timeoutMs, IHaRpcExceptionWrapper rpcExceptionWrapperInstance, InternalRpcOperation rpcOperation)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.Replay.ReplayRpcClientWrapper.RunAddNodeToCluster(AmServerName serverName, AmServerName newNode, String& verboseLog)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigurationTasks.AddDatabaseAvailabilityGroupServer.JoinNodeToCluster()
[2011-07-30T22:51:23] Updated Progress 'Done!' 100%.
[2011-07-30T22:51:23] COMPLETED
add-databaseavailabiltygroupserver explicitly called CloseTempLogFile().


Make sure the two Windows Servers have the same version, either 2008 or 2008 R2. You cannot mix between the two with the same DAG.

Affected software:

Microsoft Exchange 2010
Microsoft Exchange 2010 SP1


Comment #1 from dipak [Username: Guest] at 17/08/2011 10:44
i have same version of os and exchange server 2010 no luck. same problem
Comment #2 from Bastian [Username: Guest] at 09/01/2012 13:47
Thanks, this problem made me crazy. I changes my 2k8R1 to 2k8r2 and now its running.
Comment #3 from Francois [Username: Guest] at 25/09/2012 20:03
Same everything - dag memebers unavailable - no adding new members
Comment #4 from Guest [Username: Guest] at 22/10/2012 11:37
same problem and solved by disable my antivirus (SEP). Thanks :)
Comment #5 from Guest [Username: Guest] at 23/10/2013 07:05
Same Problem and Solved by Disabling Antivirus
Comment #6 from Marius Burger [Username: Guest] at 02/01/2014 00:19
my fix was to uninstall Failover Clustering and the use add-databaseavailibilitygroupserver, which installed the clustering role again and added the server to the DAG successfully
Comment #7 from Rick McI [Username: Guest] at 02/02/2015 20:39
Uninstalling Failover Cluster role and then adding server worked for me. Thanks for the advice Marius B!
Comment #8 from Sami [Username: Guest] at 29/02/2016 05:41
Same problem resolved by disabling SEP antivirus... Fucking antivirus can cause this much issue never dreamed also.....
Comment #9 from Shambhu [Username: Guest] at 05/12/2022 11:02
Check System Event and you will see cluster error which suggest that Cluster is corrupted. Follow below steps to resolve this problem:
If you face same problem in Exchange 2019 server:

Clear-ClusterNode -Name XXXXXX (Problematic Server) -Force (PowerShall)

Restart the server

Add-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupServer -Identity "DAG Name" -MailboxServer XXXXXX(Problematic Server)

Server should be added and validate the DAG members and FileShare.

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